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Why Superbad is the Ultimate Throwback That Still Kicks Butt in 2024

Updated: Apr 23

Includes clips from the film remastered for vertical viewing on mobile


Hey there, digital wanderers of the Gen Z realm and anyone else who’s stumbled into my corner of the internet! 🌐✨ Let’s talk movies. Not just any flick, but the timeless gem that is "Superbad." Yes, that 2007 blast from the past. Before you scroll past, thinking, “Ugh, ancient history,” hear me out. This isn’t your typical “old guy rambles about the good old days” spiel. Superbad is a rare breed of comedy that, believe it or not, speaks volumes to your generation just as much as it did to us “ancients.”

First off, Superbad is a coming-of-age story that's like the senior year we all wished we had (or are dreading, depending on where you stand). It’s about two inseparable friends, Seth and Evan, navigating the treacherous waters of high school social life, all with the goal of...well, not graduating with zero experience in the partying and romance departments. Sound familiar? Maybe minus the outrageous series of events (or not, I don’t judge).

The humor? Oh, it’s like your favorite TikTok meme but stretched into a movie. It’s goofy, it’s awkward, and it hits the nail right on the head when it comes to teenage angst and the absurdity of trying to fit in. Seth and Evan’s mishaps are basically a thread of viral tweets waiting to happen.

"But it’s so 2007," you might say. And to that, I counter: it’s timeless. The fashion might scream mid-2000s (cargo shorts, anyone?), but the themes? Pure gold. Superbad delves into the fear of losing your high school friends, the awkward first steps towards adulthood, and, most importantly, the realization that life is messy and unpredictable. Plus, it’s got McLovin – an icon for awkward souls navigating the social wilderness.

Now, let’s talk relatability. Superbad captures the essence of friendship in a way that’s both hilarious and heartwarming. Despite the ridiculous scenarios, at its core, it’s about sticking with your friends through thick and thin. And isn’t that what we’re all doing online and IRL?

To the skeptics thinking, "But I’ve seen newer comedies," sure, you have. But Superbad isn’t just about the laughs. It’s a capsule of youth culture, a snapshot of teenage life that, despite the flip phones and absence of TikTok dances, feels incredibly real.

In a world where you’re bombarded with content that’s here today and gone in a swipe, Superbad stands as a testament to the enduring power of good storytelling and genuine humor. It’s a ride through the highs and lows of teenage life that doesn’t feel dated, because let’s face it, growing up is a timeless tale.

So, there you have it, Zoomers. Give Superbad" a shot. It’s more than just a movie; it’s a rite of passage. And who knows? You might just find a piece of yourself in the misadventures of Seth, Evan, and, of course, McLovin.🎬


My Favourite Scenes Remastered for Mobile Vertical Viewing

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Bonus Content:

The Legend of Jimmy's Brother 😂

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About Me


As you have no doubt ascertained, I am not a Zoomer! I am an Xennial with a passion for comedy flicks. The purpose of ZoomerFlicks is to bestow my comedic movie wisdom onto the generations that follow... And with a twist... Literally. I've remastered all my favourite scenes for vertical viewing on Mobile. Enjoy!

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